Sunday, March 15, 2009

Catching up

What with trips to Jackson Hole to play with my grandsons and now spring weather at home (the garden calls), I'm having a hard time getting to my 1001 sewing projects. And keeping my blog and pattern reviews up to date! I have several projects finished (ugly coat, silk that smells SW Trio jacket), some cut out (SW Liberty shirt, baby quilt) and a pile on my cutting table. We returned Friday from winter in Wyoming to find lovely warm spring weather here and a garden that is out of control. My body aches from weed pulling. Maybe I will sew tomorrow...


gwensews said...

Sewing is so much more fun that weed pulling. Every year I think if I just wait a while, maybe they will choke themselves and die off. No such luck!

Claudine said...

Jackson Hole with your grandsons!?!? You are living the life I want some day.

Anne-Marie said...

If you body calls for gardening, you have to answer the call. You will savour sewing differently afterwards. I like to diversify, it makes my sewing more creative. Enjoy your early south spring. Here in Montreal, the gardens still have 2-3 feet of snow. ;-)