My friend Barbara and I set up our display on Friday spending most of the day. There were hassles at first with the platforms (set up too high and too small) but we got those worked out. Good thing we got there early. Once the platforms were in place we got busy arranging the dress forms and mannequins and unpacking all the clothes. We decided to arrange the clothing for best aesthetic flow instead of grouped separately by which one of us made them. So they are mixed in the arrangement. You can tell some of Barbara's by the rust tones. She also made all the beautiful children's clothing for her grandchildren.
The quilt show was really well attended both Saturday and Sunday. People were coming around studying our things, some taking pictures, and many asking questions. It seemed really well received and many members of the quilt guild came over to express appreciation for us doing this. It was really fun to do. The extra bonus was I got to hang out with Barbara for the 3 days.
Beautiful garments, what a fun time
How lush and utterly fabulous! The way you grouped the garments is fantastic and must have been a feast for the eyes. If i were there i probably wouldn't be able to keep my hands off! All the different textures, colors... my oh my, the two of you did a superb job!
Wow! Breathtakingly beautiful! I would love to have spent time savoring the display. Great job!
WOW - thanks for sending me a PM on PatternReview so I could see this awesome collection. Each piece is so beautiful and so unique - the colors groupings are stupendous. I bet the two of you had a terrific time.
Wow! Thanks for sharing. Looks so exciting and so fun.
Absolutely fabulous! Thank you for taking so many pictures and sharing them with us. What an amazing display of such well-made, well-thought out clothing!
I am so glad you wonderful work is being honored again this year. Beautiful!
Ann - your work (and Barbara's) is so inspiring. It just sets me dreaming of combinations of colors and textures possible. Thanks so much for sharing your talent!
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